Feel the fear and do it anyway.

It’s December, which means the pressure is on to think up some New Year resolutions. And this year, why not set yourself a big, audacious goal? One that feels scary, intimidating, or overwhelming. Or all three!

We’ve put together some tips for helping you to achieve your big goal, fears and all!

Be Ambitious as Hell

Be ambitious as hell. You're not going to reach your goals if you don't have them. And don't worry about other people's goals—you have to have a plan that works for you, and only you. When determining what is ambitious but achievable, ask yourself: What could I do with my life if I had the courage? What would be possible?

Answering these questions will help guide you in setting ambitious but realistic goals for yourself. For example, if your goal is if your goal is to do a backflip on your 85th birthday, that's totally achievable—as long as you put in the time and effort!

Acuity Pilates Studio

To Do That Big Goal, You Have to Start Small

Tackling a big goal can feel intimidating, but the first step is to start small. The second step is to take a deep breath and relax.

Once you've relaxed, break down that big, intimidating goal into smaller pieces that are less scary. Try doing one thing at a time until it becomes easier to follow the path. If at any point along the way things get too hard or overwhelming or just plain annoying (which will happen pretty often), remember that it’s okay to get derailed. You can always jump back on the wagon, and nobody will

Get Comfy, Then Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

First things first, allow yourself some time to get comfortable with your fear, or what’s holding you back from achieving your goal. If you’re feeling anxious about something in particular, try taking a step back and looking at it from a safe distance. Take note of what's making you feel overwhelmed and how it feels physically in your body. Do some breathing exercises or practice some mindful movement (or Pilates!).

Go out of your comfort zone. Once you've gotten used to the idea that there are things that make you uncomfortable (and vice versa), start making steps towards confronting those fears head-on by gently pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. It's better to take small steps forward than none at all. And even if things don't go exactly as planned, remember that trying is an essential part of becoming more courageous and resilient in life.

Play to Your Strengths… And Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is the first step to managing your fear about a big goal.

Use your strengths to your advantage, and use your weaknesses to help you grow.

If there is something you need to do to achieve your goal that you are good at, do it. If there’s something that you aren’t good at, find someone who is and ask them for help. Don’t be afraid to bring on a team of people with different skillsets - they will be your biggest cheerleaders.

Do it Anyway

It's okay to feel overwhelmed, intimidated, uncomfortable, or scared of what will happen if you achieve your goal. It's also okay if you think that maybe things could go wrong and you might fail.

But guess what? You’ve got this.

You’ve identified your strengths, gathered a team of cheerleaders and support crew, and broken your goal into achievable steps.

You’re feeling the fear, and you’re going to do it anyway. We’ll be right there with you.

Your Space. Your Community. Your Studio.


Setting your foundation.


Soup cans: the perfect Pilates prop?